Bible Institute

The Bible Institute started as a monthly training held for pastors and church leaders. Many of them in Guatemala obey the call to preach and/or lead but many of them cannot afford to pay for tuition, room, and board.

The Bible Institute started as a monthly training held for pastors and church leaders. Many in Guatemala obey the call to preach and/or lead but most of them cannot afford to pay for tuition, room, and board. Many also hear the call after they have a family and, because of finances, cannot manage to go to seminary. Our monthly training started slowly turning into a branch of the Bible Institute in Guatemala City. There are two awesome teachers who are certified by the Institute that come twice a month to teach class. The hope is to have our first graduating class in the next couple of years. It is heartwarming to see the students, most of them in their 40’s and 50’s, be so excited to learn and receive credit for their hard work.

What can US$25.00 accomplish?

The cost of the Bible Institute is about US$25 per trimester. We ask all students to pay for half and we cover the other half. This covers the classes, a meal for every class they attend, and additional needed items we like to include: notebooks, pencils, pens (different colors required by the Institute for note-taking), and Bible highlighters. Since most of them attend the Pastors Congress and Bible Conference they all have Bible dictionaries and commentaries we’ve given out there. You can also help them with these funds in our donation page.

Want to donate supplies?

If you’re interested in donating supplies for the Bible Institute, please check our “Prayers & Needs” page to know more about each ministry’s specific need.